This is what many fresh graduates miss. Corporate world comes as a big unknown when it comes to actual interaction. While, as a matter of fact, we all know how businesses work and what the employees are supposed to do. However, the interaction

It is mostly hit and trial for fresh graduates when it comes to effectively communicating with businesses, through an interviewer. Academics and their actual application must go through this interface. What comes to help is not just your academic credentials but you as a package. Consisting of everything that you project outward. Things a future employee looks for in a fresh graduate are something like this:

All of these are crucial. Failing to impress in any one area is a no go for a job offer.

Now let us see why all of this is important.

Your academic credentials show how well you have studied, and your intelligence is up to the requisite level. The institution you come from shows what environment you were in. Past examples from the same institution form the basis of this bias when an employer selects you.

How you communicate shows how you will communicate when employed. If you do not make that mark. You are not in.

Please consider the fact that when choosing a fresh graduate, the employer has a lot to choose from. They will prefer someone who they don’t have to spend time on training on basic skills.

Do you get the big picture? Or in other words, do you see yourself as a part of the business? Positively contributing to business success? Or let us say, do you visualize your corporate role realistically?  If you do, you are in.

Finally, what do you think of your career? Short term or long term. How you see yourself in a career and how will you approach this path starting right now. This, in short, reflects in your attitude. If you are not serious about all of this, it will show. If you are serious, it will show too!

An employer wants a fresh graduate as an employee only when the ease of employing and making them productive, is high. If you pose difficulties, they choose someone who doesn’t.